
Guglielmo della Torre



Almost certainly born in Mendrisio, son of Ruggero della Torre and of Adilia, we don't know the exact date of his birth:

somebody say his birth may be dated 1137 or 1160.

The latest is more probable.


The date of his death is October 21st 1227.


On July 25th 1197 he was named bishop of Como, succeeding the defunct bishop Ardizzone.


His nomination was laborious, as was usual at the time: in effect the approval of the Chapter, of part of the Clergy and of the Abbots of S. Abbondio, S. Carpoforo and S. Giuliano was necessary,  let alone the ratification of Pope Celestino III, Pope from March 30th 1191 to  January 8th 1198, day in which was elected Pope Innocenzo III to be his successor.


Blessed Guglielmo della Torre, Bishop of Como (fresco at the Church of Torello by Carona)

But who was the Blessed Guglielmo of the Tower?


He was Canonical of the Cathedral, then was named Bishop of Como, he  dedicated himself particulary in favour of the communitarian life between the clergy.


The period during which he was bishop is rich of events:

-    the conflict between the Empire and the Church

-    the fourth Lateranens Council

-    the fifth Crusade

-    the heretical movements in Lombardy (movement of the Patarini)

-    the preachings of San Francesco and San Domenico

and, for what regards us, the hermitical life of the Blessed Manfred on the Mount San Giorgio, still remembered in Riva S. Vitale, between Lugano and Mendrisio.


It seems sure that he participated in 1215 to Lateranens Council, together with 420 bishops who came from all over the world, One year later we find him instead in Venice engaged  in the collection of funds in favor of the fifth Crusade.


In 1210 he meets Emperor Ottone IV for the acknowledgment of rights and possessions for his diocese. He founds the hospital of Sant'Antonio in Como.


In 1219  he receives San Domenico in Como, while he journeyed preaching between Paris and Viterbo.


In 1218 he founded two hospices, San Silvestro Hospice and the San Vitale Hospice and his collaboration in the construction of that Monastery of the Served Fathers in Mendrisio can't be excluded. 

The foundation of Saint Zeno Hospital in Val d'Intelvi is certain.


The Diocese possessed  several assets in our district, among them residences in Castel San Pietro and in Balerna. There we find the Blessed Guglielmo in 1204 while he permuted land of that diocese and acquires land around the Church of San Sisinio in Mendrisio, as attested by documents of 1218.


He lived in Torello, where he had his summer residence, when things worsened in Como.

In 1217 he constructed a monastery for the order of Sant'Agostino. The monks, dressed in white and yellow, made a poverty ballot, were first accepted as novices when they were 20 years old, on written domand and for a first period of a year.


It seems that in the 1169 there existed in Torello an hermitage built by Sebastiano de Laturre.

The church of Torello is dedicated to Santa Maria.

It functioned until 1598, when Pope Clemente VIII joined the church and the convent to that of the Regular Somaschi Chierici, Church of San Antonio in  Lugano.


A parchment of March 8th, 1504 attests that the Community of Muggio sold the "Muggiasca" land to the Duca of Milan for 203 Lire, of which 100 in order to pay debits, 53 in order to pay the tithes that Muggio owed to the Parson of the Abbey of Torello


He died on October 21st 1227 in Torello, and as his will disposed he was buried in a plain stone tomb in his beloved Church, on whose facade the monks painted his figure while blessing.  

The tomb was renewed and placed at the center of the Church in 1600: it seems that  the body was found intact and that a scent of roses exaled from it.



An oval painting of 1867, work by the Bagutti, remembers him in the Church of S. Sisinio



Bibliography on " the Abbey of Torello " di Carona:

Historical bulletin of Italian Switzerland

Series II - Year III 1928 N. 4

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